韩国计划在季度末解除其股票短期销售禁令,以提高市场效率。 South Korea plans to lift its stock short-selling ban by the end of the quarter, aiming to boost market efficiency.
韩国代理总统崔尚美(Choi Sang-mok)宣布, 韩国将在本季度末解除短期销售禁令, South Korea's acting President, Choi Sang-mok, announced that the country will lift its stock short-selling ban by the end of the quarter, as initially planned. 该禁令于2023年11月实施,以解决市场不稳定问题。 The ban was put in place in November 2023 to address market instability. 虽然解除禁令可以提高市场效率,但人们担心潜在的波动性。 While lifting the ban could boost market efficiency, there are concerns about potential volatility. 当局将密切监测市场并与投资者合作以确保平稳过渡。 Authorities will closely monitor the markets and work with investors to ensure a smooth transition.