Shanna Gardner被控密谋谋杀其前夫, 面临新的监狱不当行为指控。 Shanna Gardner, accused of plotting to murder her ex-husband, faces new jail misconduct charges.
Shanna Gardner被控密谋在2022年将其前夫谋杀, 在杜瓦尔县监狱面临更多不当行为指控, 包括偷窃、持有临时刺青枪、“偷看”药物等。 Shanna Gardner, accused of plotting to have her ex-husband murdered in 2022, faces additional charges for misconduct in Duval County Jail, including theft, possession of a makeshift tattoo gun, and "cheeking" medication. Gardner被捕后记录了五起事件, 下个开庭日期定在3月28日。 With five incidents recorded since her arrest, Gardner's next court date is set for March 28. 她离异的丈夫Mario Fernandez Saldana也参与了谋杀阴谋。 Her estranged husband, Mario Fernandez Saldana, is also implicated in the murder plot.