莎娜·加德纳 (Shanna Gardner) 被指控参与 2022 年的雇佣谋杀阴谋,面临新的监狱不当行为指控。 Shanna Gardner, accused in a 2022 murder-for-hire plot, faces new jail misconduct charges.
莎娜·加德纳 (Shanna Gardner) 被指控在 2022 年对前夫犯有雇佣谋杀阴谋,她在杜瓦尔县监狱面临新的不当行为指控,包括偷窃物品、“厚颜无耻”药物和拥有临时纹身枪。 Shanna Gardner, accused of a murder-for-hire plot against her ex-husband in 2022, faces new charges for misconduct in Duval County Jail, including stealing items, "cheeking" medication, and possessing a makeshift tattoo gun. 自 2023 年 10 月被捕以来,记录了 5 起事件。 Five incidents were recorded since her October 2023 arrest. 她的下一次开庭日期是 3 月 28 日。 Her next court date is March 28. 她分居的丈夫马里奥·费尔南德斯·索尔达纳 (Mario Fernandez Saldana) 也卷入了这起谋杀案。 Her estranged husband, Mario Fernandez Saldana, is also involved in the murder case.