Rene Fleming和Shonda Rhimes因特朗普被任命为主席而辞去肯尼迪中心的职务。 Renée Fleming and Shonda Rhimes resign from Kennedy Center over Trump's appointment as chairman.
著名女高音Rene Fleming和电视制作人Shonda Rhimes在特朗普总统被任命为董事会新主席后辞去肯尼迪中心的职位。 Renowned soprano Renée Fleming and TV producer Shonda Rhimes have resigned from their positions at the Kennedy Center following President Trump's appointment as the board's new chairman. 两人都赞扬前主席David Rubenstein的领导,并表示希望中心继续取得成功。 Both praised the leadership of former chairman David Rubenstein and expressed hope for the center's continued success. 其他著名人物,包括音乐家Ben Folds, 也不再担任这个机构的角色。 Other notable figures, including musician Ben Folds, have also stepped down from their roles at the institution.