Robert F. Kennedy Jr. 在利益冲突审查中从反疫苗团体辞职。 Robert F. Kennedy Jr. resigns from anti-vaccine group amid conflicts of interest scrutiny.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. 由特朗普总统提名,负责卫生与公众服务秘书,他辞去反疫苗非营利组织的职务,并承诺从某些生物技术投资中撤资。 Robert F. Kennedy Jr., nominated by President Trump for Health and Human Services Secretary, has resigned from his anti-vaccine nonprofit and pledged to divest from certain biotech investments. 尽管如此,他仍将保留一些法律案件和书籍使用费中的财务利益。 Despite this, he will retain financial interests from some legal cases and book royalties. 去年收入超过1 100万美元的肯尼迪因其反疫苗立场和潜在的利益冲突而遭到批评。 Kennedy, who earned over $11 million last year, has faced criticism for his anti-vaccine stance and potential conflicts of interest. 他的确认指控听讯定于本月晚些时候举行。 His confirmation hearing is scheduled for later this month.