来自130个国家的5 000多人在都柏林的仪式上获得了爱尔兰公民身份。 Over 5,000 people from 130 countries receive Irish citizenship in Dublin ceremonies.
来自130个国家的5 000多人将在本周都柏林的6个仪式上获得爱尔兰公民身份。 Over 5,000 people from 130 countries will receive Irish citizenship at six ceremonies in Dublin this week. 接受者中包括来自印度、联合王国和巴西的个人,这标志着自2011年以来爱尔兰公民身份显著增加。 Among the recipients are individuals from India, the UK, and Brazil, marking a significant increase in Irish citizenship since 2011. 该活动突出了爱尔兰日益增长的文化多样性,许多新公民表达了与他们第二故乡的深厚联系。 The event highlights Ireland's growing cultural diversity, with many new citizens expressing deep connections to their adopted home.