新西兰的青年训练营有希望,但在人员配置、设计和释放后支助方面面临批评。 New Zealand's youth boot camp shows promise but faces criticism over staffing, design, and post-release support.
新西兰的青年新兵训练营旨在减少再犯罪,它受到的审查好坏参半。 New Zealand's youth boot camp, aimed at reducing reoffending, has received a mixed review. 据报告,军事式的活动和治疗改善了参与者的福利和学习成绩,但该方案却因工作人员不足、毛利人缺乏投入和匆忙设计而遭到批评。 While military-style activities and therapy reportedly improved participants' well-being and academic performance, the program faced criticism for insufficient staff, lack of Māori input, and rushed design. 儿童部面临对方案细节的审查,包括释放后“被控再犯罪”的事例,并要求提供更多的支持和社区参与。 The Ministry of Children has faced scrutiny over program details, including instances of "alleged reoffending" post-release, with calls for more support and community involvement.