新的药物组合显示,对前列腺癌前列腺癌患者来说,具有重大生存效益。 New drug combo shows significant survival benefits for men with advanced prostate cancer.
根据第三阶段试验结果,Talazoparib和enzalutamide的结合表明,在患有前列腺癌的男子中,总体存活率有了显著改善,癌症的发病率推迟了。 A combination of talazoparib and enzalutamide has shown significant improvements in overall survival and delayed cancer progression in men with advanced prostate cancer, according to phase 3 trial results. 接受综合治疗的病人平均寿命为45.8个月,而仅使用安扎卢塔米德的人平均寿命为37个月。 Patients receiving the combination treatment lived an average of 45.8 months, compared to 37 months for those on enzalutamide alone. 治疗使病人受益,不管他们的基因构成如何。 The treatment benefited patients regardless of their genetic makeup. 常见的严重副作用包括贫血和低白血球数。 Common serious side effects included anemia and low white blood cell counts. 这些调查结果表明,对先进的前列腺癌是一种有希望的新治疗方案。 These findings suggest a promising new treatment option for advanced prostate cancer.