Candel治疗公司新的前列腺癌治疗显示在试验中取得了显著成功,增加了66%的库存。 Candel Therapeutics' new prostate cancer treatment shows significant success in trial, boosting stock 66%.
与前列腺癌病人的放射治疗相结合,坎德尔治疗疗法的CAN-2409免疫疗法显示无病存活率有了显著改善。 Candel Therapeutics' CAN-2409 immunotherapy showed significant improvement in disease-free survival when combined with radiation therapy for prostate cancer patients. 第三阶段的试验达到了其主要终点,没有新的安全问题,导致公司股票价格上涨66%。 The Phase 3 trial met its primary endpoint with no new safety concerns, leading to a 66% rise in the company's stock price. 如果获得批准,这可以为美国每年确诊的100 000多名男性提供新的有效治疗选择。 If approved, this could offer a new effective treatment option for over 100,000 men diagnosed annually in the U.S.