Lily Allen进入了一个创伤治疗中心,以改善她的心理健康,为她的孩子着想。 Lily Allen entered a trauma treatment center to improve her mental health for her children's sake.
Lily Allen是歌手和播客主持人,她透露她花时间在一个昂贵的创伤治疗中心,为孩子着想,专注于心理健康。 Lily Allen, the singer and podcast host, has revealed she spent time at a high-cost trauma treatment center to focus on her mental health for her children's sake. 她接受了集体和个人治疗,包括研究她的“内生孩子”,每天开始冥想。 She underwent group and individual therapy, including work on her "inner child," and began meditating daily. 艾伦强调她对孩子的爱,认为孩子必须坚强,承认她的心理健康历程还在持续。 Allen emphasized her love for her children and the need to be strong for them, acknowledging that her mental health journey is ongoing.