35岁的TikToker David Allen,又名Totouch Anemu,宣布他五周大的女儿Lily Grace Allen死亡。 35-year-old TikToker David Allen, known as ToTouchAnEmu, announced the death of his five-week-old daughter, Lily Grace Allen.
35岁的TikToker David Allen,又称Totoch Anemu,宣布他五周大的女儿Lily Grace Allen不幸去世,她于7月27日因睡梦意外死亡。 35-year-old TikToker David Allen, known as ToTouchAnEmu, announced the tragic passing of his five-week-old daughter, Lily Grace Allen, who unexpectedly died in her sleep on July 27. David在Instagram分享令人心碎的照片, 并告知粉丝8月6日在TXCollyville的Bluebonnet Hills Funeral家和纪念公园举行追悼仪式。 David shared heartbreaking photos on Instagram and informed fans about a memorial service on August 6 at Bluebonnet Hills Funeral Home & Memorial Park in Collyville, TX. 他还提到,可以以Lily的名义向达拉斯儿童医疗中心捐款。 He also mentioned that donations can be made to Children's Medical Center Dallas in Lily's name. 莉莉·格蕾丝(Lily Grace)的死因尚未透露,家人已经收到了来自在线社区的大量哀悼和支持。 The cause of Lily Grace's death has not been disclosed, and the family has received an outpouring of condolences and support from the online community.