HBO的《最后的我们》电视系列节目可以连续四季播放,第二季将在四月首映。 HBO's "The Last of Us" TV series could run for four seasons, with the second premiering in April.
根据HBO的戏剧头目Francesca Orsi, HBO的《最后的我们》电视系列节目预计将连续四个季。 HBO's "The Last of Us" TV series is expected to run for four seasons, according to HBO's drama head, Francesca Orsi. Orsi虽然没有证实, 但暗示在即将到来的第二季4月首赛后, 可能还会有两个季节来完成这个故事, 与视频游戏的叙事一致。 While not confirmed, Orsi hinted that after the upcoming second season, set to premiere in April, there could be two more seasons to complete the story, aligning with the video game's narrative. 第二个季节将推出新的人物,继续世界末日之后的传说。 The second season will introduce new characters and continue the post-apocalyptic saga.