HBO的《最后的我们》第二季将于四月首映, HBO's "The Last of Us" Season 2, premiering in April, will feature darker tones and new cast members.
HBO的《最后的我们》第二季定于四月以七集为首映, HBO's "The Last of Us" Season 2 is set to premiere in April with seven episodes, featuring new cast members and "brutal" content from the game sequel. 创造者Neil Druckmann和Craig Mazin打算讲述最佳故事, 结合第一季未见的黑暗元素和人物。 Creators Neil Druckmann and Craig Mazin aim to tell the best story, incorporating darker elements and characters not seen in the first season. 该节目的第二季将在第一季五年后开始,艾莉在怀俄明州面临新的挑战。 The show's second season will pick up five years after the first, with Ellie facing new challenges in Wyoming.