丹佛公立学校就ICE入学政策起诉Trump行政当局。 Denver Public Schools sues Trump administration over ICE access to schools policy.
丹佛公立学校已对特朗普政府提起诉讼,对允许ICE代理进入学校的新政策提出质疑。 Denver Public Schools has filed a lawsuit against the Trump administration, challenging a new policy that allows ICE agents into schools. 该区认为,由于学生担心移民执法,该政策挪用了教育资源,并减少了出勤率。 The district argues the policy has diverted educational resources and decreased attendance due to student fears of immigration enforcement. 行政当局没有提出撤销先前保护的正当理由,要求公开公布该政策。 The lawsuit claims the administration did not provide a valid reason for rescinding previous protections and seeks to have the policy published publicly.