得克萨斯州代课老师在邀请ICE突袭其学校后面临调查, 声称学生“甚至不会说英语”。 Substitute teacher in Texas faces investigation after inviting ICE to raid his school, claiming students "don't even speak English."
得克萨斯州沃斯堡的一名代课教师在邀请ICE突袭他的学校后被免职, 声称许多学生“甚至不会说英语”。 A substitute teacher in Fort Worth, Texas, has been removed from duty after inviting ICE to raid his school, claiming that many students "don't even speak English." 该事件遵循特朗普总统的指示,允许ICE在敏感地区(如学校)开展行动。 The incident follows President Trump's directive allowing ICE operations in sensitive areas like schools. Fort Worth独立学校区正在调查该教师的社交媒体职位。 The Fort Worth Independent School District is investigating the teacher's social media post.