展品“进入太空的光”在孟买开张,展示了60年代和70年代的光与空间运动。 Art exhibit "Light into Space" opens in Mumbai, showcasing 60s and 70s Light & Space movement.
孟买的尼塔·穆克什·安巴尼文化中心已经揭开了"进入太空的光"的第六个大型艺术展, The Nita Mukesh Ambani Cultural Centre in Mumbai has unveiled "Light into Space," its sixth major art exhibition, curated by New York's Dia Art Foundation. 展览展出约翰·张伯伦和丹·弗拉文等艺术家的作品,展示了1960年代和70年代的光与空间运动,利用光与材料创造沉浸式体验。 Featuring works by artists like John Chamberlain and Dan Flavin, the exhibit showcases the Light & Space movement from the 1960s and 70s, using light and materials to create immersive experiences. 展览持续到2025年5月11日 在艺术馆展出 The exhibition runs until May 11, 2025, at the Art House.