女子在活动中被罐头击中后起诉 Hulk Hogan 和啤酒公司,需要缝针。 Woman sues Hulk Hogan and beer company after being hit by can at event, requiring stitches.
Michelle Harlukowicz是Akron妇女,她对Hulk Hogan和他的啤酒公司Real American Beer提出诉讼,因为她声称在2024年8月的一次促销活动中,她头部被一个扔出的啤酒罐击中。 Michelle Harlukowicz, an Akron woman, has filed a lawsuit against Hulk Hogan and his beer company, Real American Beer, over an incident where she claims she was hit in the head by a thrown beer can during a promotional event in August 2024. 罐子击中她的前额,需要缝10针,并造成永久性的疤痕。 The can struck her forehead, requiring 10 stitches and causing permanent scarring. Harlukowicz的律师正在就医疗费用、疼痛和情绪痛苦寻求损害赔偿。 Harlukowicz's attorney is seeking damages for medical expenses, pain, and emotional distress. 警方无法确定是谁扔的罐子,没有提出任何指控。 Police could not determine who threw the can, and no charges were filed. 诉讼还点名了该场地 Thirsty Cowboys 及其所有者 Aaron Lind。 The lawsuit also names the venue, Thirsty Cowboys, and its owner, Aaron Lind.