曾经在WWE工作的詹妮尔·格兰特 (Janel Grant) 起诉了文斯·麦克马洪 (Vince McMahon),指控他性虐待和人口贩运. Janel Grant, a former WWE employee, sues Vince McMahon, alleging sexual abuse and human trafficking.
Janel Grant(WWWE前雇员)对Vince McMahon提起诉讼,指控其性虐待和人口贩运。 Janel Grant, a former WWE employee, has filed a lawsuit against Vince McMahon, alleging sexual abuse and human trafficking. 她声称,McMahon将她指向Peak Wellness的Carloon Colker医生,在那里,她受到不知名的物质治疗,并受到诊所工作人员的虐待。 She claims McMahon directed her to Dr. Carlon Colker at Peak Wellness, where she was treated with unknown substances and abused by clinic staff. Grant的法律小组寻求查阅她的医疗记录以及Colker和McMahon之间的通信。 Grant's legal team seeks access to her medical records and communications between Colker and McMahon. Colker和Peak Wellness都否认错失行为, Both Colker and Peak Wellness deny wrongdoing, citing reputational harm from the allegations.