美国教育部废除了Biden规则,将大学运动员的NIL付款与第九编挂钩。 U.S. Education Department scraps Biden rule tying college athletes' NIL payments to Title IX.
美国教育部撤销了拜登政府的一份备忘录, 该备忘录将根据第九篇规则规范大学运动员的姓名、形象和相似性(NIL)付款。 The U.S. Education Department has rescinded a memo from the Biden administration that would have regulated college athletes' name, image, and likeness (NIL) payments under Title IX rules. " 拜登备忘录 " 要求将NIL的付款与奖学金等体育财政援助一样对待。 The Biden memo required NIL payments to be treated like athletic financial aid, such as scholarships. 然而,特朗普总统的官员认为,备忘录第九编缺乏法律依据,该编禁止教育中的性别歧视,但没有处理学生运动员之间的补偿分配问题。 However, President Trump's officials argued the memo lacked legal basis under Title IX, which forbids sex discrimination in education but does not address compensation allocation among student-athletes. 这一举措允许大专院校分配NIL的付款,而不遵守拜登政府建议的两性平等规则。 This move allows colleges to distribute NIL payments without adhering to gender equity rules suggested by the Biden administration.