Tulsa副手逮捕了意大利休斯顿,据称他袭击了一名孕妇,损坏了她的汽车。 Tulsa deputy arrests Italy Houston for allegedly attacking a pregnant woman, damaging her car.
Tulsa县议员逮捕了意大利休斯顿,据称他试图袭击一名孕妇。 Tulsa County deputies arrested Italy Houston for allegedly trying to attack a pregnant woman. 据报告,休斯敦来到受害人的家,大喊大叫,用棒球棍砸碎挡风玻璃和窗户并给车盖上钥匙,损坏了汽车。 Houston reportedly arrived at the victim's house, yelled, and damaged the car by smashing the windshield and windows with a baseball bat and keying the hood. 休斯顿在看到受害人的录音时 猛烈地敲着公寓的门 留下了凹痕 Seeing the victim recording, Houston aggressively pounded on the apartment door, leaving dents. 她被控以危险武器攻击他人。 She was charged with assault with a dangerous weapon.