对包括攻击、威胁和持有毒品在内的各种罪行进行了多次逮捕。 Multiple arrests were made for various crimes including assault, threats, and drug possession.
据报,在不同地点发生了多起逮捕和事件。 Multiple arrests and incidents were reported in various locations. 在一起案件中,一个名叫Adelso Quej-Cho的男子在企图刺伤一名妇女并造成其受伤后,因严重殴打和非法监禁而被捕。 In one case, a man named Adelso Quej-Cho was arrested for aggravated assault and false imprisonment after attempting to stab a woman and causing her injuries. 一名囚犯,本杰明·富兰克林·鲁滨逊,在威胁要射杀一名监狱官员之后,被指控犯有恐怖主义威胁罪。 An inmate, Benjamin Franklin Robinson, was charged with terroristic threats after threatening to shoot a jail officer. Quindarius Tate因闯入住房管理局的财产、殴打妇女和非法闯入而被捕。 Quindarius Tate was arrested for breaking into housing authority property, assaulting a woman, and trespassing. Lindsey Hayes在交通拦截后因与毒品有关的指控被捕。 Lindsey Hayes was arrested for drug-related charges after a traffic stop revealed suspected hydrocodone and other contraband. 所有指控都在法庭待审。 All charges are pending in court.