新研究表明,在肥胖药物中发现的 semaglutide 可能会抑制酒精使用障碍患者的饮酒。 New study hints semaglutide, found in obesity drugs, may curb alcohol consumption in those with alcohol use disorder.
政府资助的新研究表明,semaglutide 是一种用于 Ozempic 和 Wegovy 等肥胖治疗的药物,可能有助于减少酒精使用障碍患者的饮酒量。 New government-funded research suggests that semaglutide, a drug used in obesity treatments like Ozempic and Wegovy, may help reduce alcohol consumption among those with alcohol use disorder. 与服用安慰剂的参与者相比,接受 semaglutide 的参与者报告称酗酒天数更少,饮酒量也更少。 Participants receiving semaglutide reported fewer heavy drinking days and consumed less alcohol compared to those on a placebo. 然而,专家强调需要更大规模的研究来证实这些发现,并评估该药物对不寻求减肥治疗的人的安全性。 However, experts emphasize the need for larger studies to confirm these findings and assess the safety of the drug for individuals not seeking weight loss treatment.