研究发现,肥胖药物可以减少饮重者酒精摄入量和援助体重的下降。 Obesity medications reduce alcohol intake and aid weight loss in heavy drinkers, study finds.
都柏林药品重量损失诊所的一项研究表明,抗肥胖药物,如利拉甘酸酯和酸酯,可以帮助重饮者将酒精摄入量从每星期12个单位削减至4个单位,而不会增加酒精消费量。 A study by the Medication Weight Loss Clinic in Dublin shows that obesity medications like liraglutide and semaglutide can help heavy drinkers cut their alcohol intake from 12 units to four per week, without increasing alcohol consumption. 参与者在四个月中平均损失8公斤。 Participants also lost an average of 8kg over four months. 调查结果表明,这些药物可以使那些与肥胖症和严重饮酒作斗争的人受益。 The findings suggest these medications could benefit those struggling with both obesity and heavy drinking.