索尼的PS5在Q3中创纪录 销售950万单位 利润增加37% Sony's PS5 hit record sales in Q3, selling 9.5 million units and boosting profits by 37%.
Sony报告说,PlayStation 5(PS5)的Q3销售创纪录,销售950万个单位,总货运量达7 500万件。 Sony reported record-breaking Q3 sales for the PlayStation 5 (PS5), with 9.5 million units sold, bringing total shipments to 75 million. 游戏部的利润逐年增加37%,游戏网每月活跃用户增加到1.29亿。 The gaming division's profits rose by 37% year-over-year, and monthly active users on the PlayStation Network increased to 129 million. 尽管第一党的游戏销售量有所下降,数字游戏销售额占销售总额的74%。 Despite a decline in first-party game sales, digital game sales accounted for 74% of total sales. Sony也将利润预测提高了2%。 Sony also raised its profit forecast by 2%.