索尼的PS5 Pro,以700美元计价, 将于11月7日启动, 作为10年控制台周期的一部分。 Sony's PS5 Pro, priced at $700, will launch on November 7 as part of a 10-year console cycle.
索尼互动娱乐共同总裁Hideaki Nishino宣布PlayStation 5Pro(PS5 Pro)将于11月7日启动, Sony Interactive Entertainment co-CEO Hideaki Nishino announced that the PlayStation 5 Pro (PS5 Pro), priced at $700, will launch on November 7. 他肯定了该公司对10年控制台发电周期的承诺,强调PS5 Pro是这一周期的延伸,而不是下一代控制台。 He affirmed the company’s commitment to a 10-year console generation cycle, highlighting that the PS5 Pro is an extension of this cycle rather than a next-gen console. 在最初的PS5于2020年11月发布之前,发展已经开始,受PS4Pro的成功影响,它吸引了20%的客户基础。 Development began before the original PS5's release in November 2020, influenced by the success of the PS4 Pro, which attracted 20% of its customer base.