罗马尼亚的就业市场稳定下来,蓝领需求上升,外籍工人涌入。 Romanian job market stabilizes with blue-collar demand rising and foreign worker influx.
罗马尼亚劳动力市场在2025年趋于稳定,就业名单稳定在560,000左右,比去年略有上升。 The Romanian labor market is stabilizing in 2025, with job listings steady at around 560,000, up slightly from last year. 蓝领工作占职位分配的81%,高于2023年的77%,这是由于后勤、汽车和快递服务的需求。 Blue-collar jobs account for 81% of postings, up from 77% in 2023, driven by demand in logistics, automotive, and courier services. 全国平均净工资首次超过每月1 000欧元,增幅为12%。 The national average net salary surpassed €1,000 per month for the first time, a 12% increase. 从欧盟以外招聘的外国工人增加了44%,帮助填补劳动力短缺,特别是在建筑、制造和后勤方面。 Foreign worker recruitment from outside the EU rose by 44%, helping to fill labor shortages, especially in construction, manufacturing, and logistics.