警察在达林顿逮捕了一名男男女女,罪名与毒品有关,包括意图交货。 Police arrested a man and woman in Darlington on drug-related charges, including intent to deliver.
执法部门在达林顿采取了搜查令行动,逮捕了一名29岁的男子和一名32岁的妇女。 Law enforcement conducted a search warrant operation in Darlington, resulting in the arrest of a 29-year-old man and a 32-year-old woman. 嫌疑人被控维持一个毒品住所、拥有THC和可卡因以图运送、拥有毒品附件,以及在学校附近拥有或交付毒品。 The suspects were charged with maintaining a drug dwelling, possession of THC and cocaine with intent to deliver, possession of drug paraphernalia, and possession or delivery near a school. 目前,Lafayette县地区检察官办公室正在审查此案。 The case is now under review by the Lafayette County District Attorney's Office.