Francois Suber和Quatoria Greer因贩毒和持有武器在达林顿被捕。 Francois Suber and Quatoria Greer were arrested in Darlington for drug trafficking and possessing a weapon.
警方在达林顿逮捕了Francois Suber和Qutoria Greer, 在搜查令上发现11.5磅大麻、10.9克甲基安非他明、几片药丸和一把枪。 Police in Darlington arrested Francois Suber and Quatoria Greer after a search warrant turned up 11.5 pounds of marijuana, 10.9 grams of methamphetamine, several pills, and a firearm. 他们被指控在暴力犯罪期间犯有贩毒和持有武器罪。 They were charged with drug trafficking and weapon possession during a violent crime. 州执法司和达林顿县治安官办公室协助开展了这项行动。 The State Law Enforcement Division and Darlington County Sheriff's Office assisted in the operation. 调查正在进行中,促请公众与达林顿警察局联系,联系时间为843-398-4026,提供一切信息。 The investigation is ongoing, and the public is urged to contact Darlington Police at 843-398-4026 with any information.