马来西亚计划修订《和平集会法》,以放宽集会组织要求。 Malaysia plans to amend its Peaceful Assembly Act to ease rally organization requirements.
马来西亚政府计划修订《和平集会法》,取消集会组织者获得场地批准的要求。 The Malaysian government plans to amend the Peaceful Assembly Act, removing the requirement for rally organizers to get venue approval. 这一改变旨在使组织和平集会更加容易,虽然组织者仍需提前五天通知警方。 This change aims to make it easier to organize peaceful gatherings, though organizers will still need to notify the police five days in advance. 修正案将在议会讨论,并可能导致停止先前对和平集会案件的调查。 The amendment will be discussed in parliament and could lead to the discontinuation of previous investigations into peaceful assembly cases.