调查Florida的一条致命狗攻击案 因为利益冲突被转移 Investigation into a fatal dog attack in Florida transferred due to a conflict of interest.
对佛罗里达州Volusia县8岁的Michael Millett的致命狗攻击案的调查,由于涉及家庭关系的利益冲突,已从第七巡回法庭转到第十八巡回法庭。 The investigation into the fatal dog attack of 8-year-old Michael Millett in Volusia County, Florida, has been transferred from the Seventh to the Eighteenth Judicial Circuit due to a conflict of interest involving family ties. 在国家规定的上诉期到期后,有关狗被安乐死。 The dogs involved were euthanized after the state-mandated appeal period expired. 业主Amanda Franco和Brandy Hodil 正在因过失杀人和拥有一只危险的狗而受到调查。 The owners, Amanda Franco and Brandy Hodil, are under investigation for manslaughter and owning a dangerous dog.