8岁的男孩在佛罗里达州DeLand被两只狗杀死;袭击后,两只狗被隔离。 A boy, 8, was killed by two dogs in DeLand, Florida; both dogs were quarantined after the attack.
一名8岁男孩星期一晚上在佛罗里达州DeLand以北的一个街区被两只狗、一只斗牛和另一只混合品种杀死。 An 8-year-old boy was killed by two dogs, one a pit bull and the other a mixed breed, in a neighborhood north of DeLand, Florida, on Monday evening. 袭击发生在下午5时左右,地点在Arabesque Drive和机场路附近。 The attack happened around 5 p.m. near Arabesque Drive and Airport Road. 证人进行了心肺复苏, 但无法挽救男孩. Witnesses performed CPR but could not save the boy. 两只狗都被抓获并被隔离。 Both dogs were captured and placed in quarantine. Mike Chitwood警长已经敦促社区 支持悲痛的家庭。 Sheriff Mike Chitwood has urged the community to support the grieving family. 调查细节和潜在指控仍在确定中。 Details of the investigation and potential charges are still being determined.