印度的NCAER报告突出了大多数邦的债务问题,要求更严格的财政控制。 India's NCAER report highlights debt issues in most states, calls for stricter fiscal control.
国家应用经济研究理事会(应用经济研究理事会)的研究强调,在过去十年中,只有四个印度邦成功地降低了债务与国内生产总值的比率,而其他一些邦,特别是旁遮普邦和拉贾斯坦邦,则有可能达到不可持续的债务水平。 The National Council of Applied Economic Research (NCAER) study highlights that only four Indian states have successfully reduced their debt-to-GSDP ratio over the past decade, while others, particularly Punjab and Rajasthan, are at risk of reaching unsustainable debt levels. NCAER建议中央政府、印度储备银行(RBI)和财务委员会合作,执行财政纪律。 NCAER recommends collaboration between the central government, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), and the Finance Commission to enforce fiscal discipline. 报告建议为每个州设立独立的财政委员会, 修订RBI的债券利差政策, 并提出减债“财政大减让”, 以换取加强中央监督。 The report suggests creating independent fiscal councils for each state, revising the RBI's policies on bond spreads, and proposing a "fiscal grand bargain" for debt relief in exchange for increased central oversight. 这一办法旨在改善国家财务管理和稳定,解决印度在金砖国家中国家以下一级高额债务问题。 This approach aims to improve state financial management and stability, addressing India's high subnational debt among BRICS countries.