科罗拉多州Pueblo县的房屋火灾摧毁了房屋;由于调查的原因,没有伤亡报告。 House fire in Pueblo County, Colorado, destroys home; cause under investigation, no injuries reported.
科罗拉多州南Pueblo县发生房屋火灾, 星期二晚上摧毁一栋房屋, A house fire in southern Pueblo County, Colorado, destroyed a home on Tuesday night with no reported injuries. 来自多个机构的消防员工作了数小时,但无法拯救房屋,这被视为完全损失。 Firefighters from multiple agencies worked for hours but could not save the house, which was deemed a total loss. 据信火灾是从烟囱中开始的,尽管确切原因仍在调查之中。 The fire is believed to have started in the chimney, though the exact cause is still under investigation.