消防员在科罗拉多斯普林斯与后院的房屋火灾作斗争,造成Fillmore街的交通延误。 Firefighters combat backyard-originated house fire in Colorado Springs, causing traffic delays on Fillmore Street.
科罗拉多斯普林斯消防员正在对抗两股火力 从后院开始蔓延到伊利诺伊州大道一户人家的两股火力 Colorado Springs firefighters are battling a two-alarm house fire that started in the backyard and spread to a single-family home on Illinois Avenue. 火灾在新年日晚8点过后不久开始,在Fillmore街造成交通延误。 The fire began shortly after 8 p.m. on New Year's Day and has caused traffic delays on Fillmore Street. 科罗拉多斯普林斯消防局已请求额外资源,并建议居民避开该地区。 The Colorado Springs Fire Department has requested additional resources and advised residents to avoid the area. 迄今为止,没有报告有人受伤。 No injuries have been reported so far.