前洛杉矶警局警探因杀害前情人的新妻子而提出的假释请求被驳回。 Former LAPD detective's parole request denied for killing ex-lover’s new wife.
一名前洛杉矶警察局警探再次拒绝了她的假释申请。 A former LAPD detective had her parole request rejected again. 她因在Van Nuys杀害前情人的新妻子而被定罪。 She was convicted of killing her ex-lover’s new wife in Van Nuys. 当地多个新闻媒体报道了这一案件,强调正在进行的法律诉讼和拒绝释放她。 The case has been covered by multiple local news outlets, emphasizing the ongoing legal proceedings and rejection of her release.