迪士尼乐园70周年的新吸引力 将无法为庆祝开赛做好准备 Disneyland's new 70th-anniversary attraction won't be ready for the celebration kickoff.
迪斯尼乐园为庆祝70周年而计划的新景点将无法及时为庆典做好准备。 Disneyland's new attraction planned for its 70th anniversary celebration will not be ready in time for the festivities. 公园准备庆祝其里程碑, 但新车将错过开机日期, 原本是庆典的亮点。 The park is set to celebrate its milestone, but the new ride, which was expected to be a highlight of the celebration, will miss the kickoff date. 未具体说明延迟和新开张日期的细节。 Details on the delay and new opening date are not specified.