迪士尼乐园的恐懼的豪宅 重新开张 与一个忧郁的新新娘故事 和最新技术。 Disneyland's Haunted Mansion reopens with a somber new bride story and updated technology.
在长达一年的关闭后, 迪斯尼乐园的恐懼的豪宅定于1月20日重开, Disneyland's Haunted Mansion is set to reopen on January 20 in its classic form after a year-long closure, featuring a revised and more somber narrative for the bride character. 新故事删除了先前的轴动叙事, 而是专注于一个心跳加速的悲伤新娘。 The new story removes the previous axe-wielding narrative and instead focuses on a grieving bride with a beating heart. 该景点还包括更新的投影效果技术和新元素,例如以叙事为中心的队列和主题礼品店。 The attraction also includes updated technology for projection effects and new elements like a narrative-focused queue and a themed gift shop.