阿肯色州参议院终止州政府发起的平权法案;氟化物废除法案因平局而失败。 Arkansas Senate ends state-sponsored affirmative action; fluoridation repeal bill fails due to tie.
阿肯色州参议院通过了一项法案, 结束国家赞助的平权行动方案, 现在等待州长批准。 Arkansas's Senate passed a bill to end state-sponsored affirmative action programs, which now awaits the governor's approval. 由于投票结果平, 一项废除该州强制性化水计划的法案在委员会中失败. Meanwhile, a bill to repeal the state's mandatory water fluoridation program failed in a committee due to a tie vote. 氟化剂的支持者认为,它能防止牙齿腐烂,而反对者则表示对健康的关切,并寻求当地对该决定的控制。 Proponents of fluoridation argue it prevents tooth decay, while opponents express health concerns and seek local control over the decision.