佛罗里达州参议院议长提议逐步取消无证学生的州内学费,引发辩论。 Florida's Senate President proposes phasing out in-state tuition for undocumented students, sparking debate.
佛罗里达州参议院议长本·阿尔布里顿(Ben Albritton)提议逐步废除一项长达十年的法律,该法允许无证移民学生在佛罗里达州立大学获得州内学费。 Florida's Senate President, Ben Albritton, has proposed phasing out a decade-old law that allows undocumented immigrant students to receive in-state tuition rates at Florida universities. 阿尔布里顿的计划旨在考虑当前的受益人,而参议员兰迪·芬恩 (Randy Fine) 已提交一项立即废除该法律的法案,认为它为无证移民提供了比其他州的学生更好的待遇,并且可以为佛罗里达州节省 4500 万美元。 Albritton's plan aims to consider current beneficiaries, while Senator Randy Fine has filed a bill to immediately repeal the law, arguing it gives undocumented immigrants a better deal than students from other states, and could save Florida $45 million. 民主党反对这一举动,称其为“残忍和小气”。 Democrats oppose the move, calling it "cruel and petty."