津巴布韦使用无人机摧毁林波波河沿岸的走私船只,打击经济犯罪。 Zimbabwe uses drones to destroy smugglers' boats along the Limpopo River, targeting economic crime.
津巴布韦税收当局ZIMRA利用无人驾驶飞机打击Limpopo河沿线的走私活动,摧毁了21艘船只和20条桨。 Zimbabwe's revenue authority, ZIMRA, used drones to target smuggling along the Limpopo River, destroying 21 boats and 20 paddles. 这项涉及边境安全的行动旨在制止辛迪加,这些辛迪加每年使津巴布韦损失数百万美元的收入。 This operation, involving border security, aims to stop syndicates that cost Zimbabwe millions in lost revenue annually. 使用无人机技术有助于查明和拦截非法过境,这是促进经济和支持地方工业的更广泛战略的一部分。 The use of drone technology helped identify and intercept illegal crossings, part of a broader strategy to boost the economy and support local industries.