威斯康星州共和党人提出法案,要求结束国家雇员的远程工作,但埃弗斯州长反对。 Wisconsin Republicans push bill to end remote work for state employees, opposed by Governor Evers.
威斯康星州共和党人正在推行一项法案,要求在疫情流行之前在办公室工作的国家雇员从7月1日起返回当面工作。 Wisconsin Republicans are pushing a bill that would require state employees who worked in offices before the pandemic to return to in-person work starting July 1. 立法者正在对该提案进行辩论,但可能面临托尼·埃弗斯总督的否决,他支持混合工作模式。 The proposal is being debated by lawmakers but faces likely veto from Governor Tony Evers, who supports a hybrid work model. Evers的《2030年远景规划》旨在减少办公空间和削减费用,而新法案可以通过规定办公室回报率来扭转这些节余。 Evers' Vision 2030 plan aims to reduce office space and cut costs, while the new bill could reverse these savings by mandating office returns.