Tulsa公立学校推迟两个星期公布国家对COVID救济资金使用情况的审计。 Tulsa Public Schools delays release of state audit on COVID relief funds usage by two weeks.
图尔萨公立学校(Tulsa Public Schools,TPS)援引了很少使用的州法律,推迟了国家审计的发布,该法要求在公布调查结果前等待两周。 Tulsa Public Schools (TPS) has delayed the release of a state audit by invoking a rarely used state law, which requires a two-week waiting period before publishing findings. 2022年,总督Kevin Stitt要求对该区使用COVID联邦救济资金和可能违反州法律的情况进行审计。 The audit was requested by Governor Kevin Stitt in 2022 over concerns about the district's use of federal COVID relief funds and potential violations of state law. 州审计师Cindy Byrd说,审计是完整的,其中载有重要调查结果。 State Auditor Cindy Byrd says the audit is complete and contains significant findings. 他们与审计合作并正在努力改善做法的TPS索赔要求。 TPS claims they have cooperated with the audit and are working to improve practices. 报告全文可望在两周后印发。 The full report is expected to be released in two weeks.