透明国际报告称,全球腐败仍然很高,并警告称它阻碍了气候行动。 Transparency International reports global corruption remains high, warning it impedes climate action.
透明国际的 2024 年清廉指数显示,全球腐败水平仍然很高,超过三分之二的国家得分低于 50 分(满分 100 分)。 Transparency International's 2024 Corruption Perceptions Index reveals global corruption levels remain high, with over two-thirds of countries scoring below 50 out of 100. 肯尼亚的得分略有提高,达到 32 分,但仍低于撒哈拉以南地区的平均水平。 Kenya's score improved slightly to 32 but still falls below the Sub-Saharan average. 报告警告说,腐败阻碍了气候行动,许多气候脆弱国家和联合国峰会主办国得分不佳。 The report warns that corruption hinders climate action, with many climate-vulnerable countries and UN summit hosts scoring poorly. 透明国际呼吁采取更强有力的反腐败措施,以确保气候资金得到有效利用。 Transparency International calls for stronger anti-corruption measures to ensure effective use of climate funds.