反腐败委员会委员会在开发计划署和联合王国政府的支持下,在斐济苏瓦主办了一次区域反腐败考察旅行。 FICAC hosts a regional anti-corruption study tour in Suva, Fiji, supported by UNDP and UK Government.
斐济独立反腐败委员会将于2月3日至4日在斐济苏瓦主办为期两天的考察旅行,以加强反腐败区域合作。 The Fiji Independent Commission Against Corruption (FICAC) is hosting a two-day study tour from February 3-4 in Suva, Fiji, to enhance regional cooperation against corruption. 在开发计划署支助和联合王国政府资助下,这次活动涉及多个太平洋国家,重点关注传统和现代腐败问题。 Supported by the UNDP and funded by the UK Government, the event involves multiple Pacific nations, focusing on both traditional and modern corruption issues. 它旨在加强对《联合国反腐败公约》(《反腐败公约》)的遵守,并跟踪该区域最近的反腐败动态。 It aims to strengthen adherence to the UN Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC) and follows recent anti-corruption developments in the region.