研究发现 37 种天堂鸟物种会发出生物荧光,有助于交配展示和伪装。 Study finds 37 bird-of-paradise species biofluoresce, aiding mating displays and camouflage.
一项新的研究表明,在45种分裂鸟类中,有37种表现出生物荧光性,它们吸收光线并以不同颜色释放出来。 A new study reveals that 37 out of 45 species of birds-of-paradise exhibit biofluorescence, a trait where they absorb light and emit it as a different color. 这种现象在男性中更为明显,在交配展示期间增强了男性生机勃勃的羽毛。 This phenomenon is more pronounced in males, enhancing their vibrant plumage during mating displays. 美国自然历史博物馆和内布拉斯加-林肯大学的研究人员发现,这种发光能力在这些鸟类的等级和求爱中可能发挥关键作用。 Researchers from the American Museum of Natural History and the University of Nebraska-Lincoln found that this ability to glow may play a crucial role in hierarchy and courtship among these birds. 这项发表在《皇家学会开放科学》杂志上的研究表明,生物荧光也可以作为女性的伪装。 The study, published in the journal Royal Society Open Science, suggests that biofluorescence could also serve as camouflage for females.