科学家发现了鹦鹉和雀斑中的基因和酶,这些基因和酶通过改变颜料改变羽毛颜色。 Scientists uncover genes and enzymes in parrots and finches that alter feather colors by modifying pigments.
科学家已经确定了鹦鹉和雀斑中控制羽毛颜色的关键基因和酶。 Scientists have identified key genes and enzymes in parrots and finches that control their feather coloration. 在鹦鹉中,ALDH3A2酶,在雀巢中,CYP2J19和TTC39B基因,通过添加或去除单一氧原子来改变颜料,将颜色从红色移到黄色。 In parrots, the ALDH3A2 enzyme and, in finches, the genes CYP2J19 and TTC39B, modify pigments by adding or removing a single oxygen atom, shifting colors from red to yellow. 这项研究突出了这些小基因变化如何能对鸟类的颜色和演变产生重大影响。 This research highlights how these small genetic changes can significantly impact bird coloration and evolution.