六人死亡,中国广东的一条公路发生公共汽车大火,另有数人受伤。 Six die as a bus fire breaks out on a road in Guangdong, China, with several more injured.
2月12日,中国广东省Qiashui镇813号县道公共汽车起火,造成六人死亡,多人受伤。 Six people died and several were injured in a bus fire on County Road 813 in Qiashui Township, Guangdong Province, China, on February 12. 上午9时40分起火,伤者在稳定的条件下住院。 The fire broke out at 9:40 a.m., and the injured were hospitalized with stable conditions. 当局正在调查火灾的起因。 Authorities are investigating the cause of the fire.