Silex推出一个开放源码AI工具,以简化企业AI的开发和部署。 Silex launches an open-source AI tool to simplify enterprise AI development and deployment.
Silex引进了Silex AI 创始启动器,这是一个开放源码工具,旨在简化AI应用程序的创建和部署。 Silex has introduced the Silex AI Foundry Starter, an open-source tool designed to simplify the creation and deployment of AI applications. 这一解决方案简化了企业AI的开发,解决了认证和聊天持久性等共同挑战。 This solution, which streamlines enterprise AI development, addresses common challenges like authentication and chat persistence. 它部署在红帽开放号上,并由一个设在香港的AI网关提供动力,它提供了更大的安全和可观察性,使企业能够专注于创新。 Deployed on Red Hat OpenShift and powered by a Kong-based AI Gateway, it offers enhanced security and observability, enabling businesses to focus on innovation.