Acenture与AWS的新的AI平台提供安全、负责的AI的通过和升级。 Accenture's new AI platform with AWS provides secure, responsible AI adoption and scaling.
Acenture的新AI平台与AWS合作,为各组织提供了一个安全、负责的采纳和扩展AI的方法。 Accenture's new AI platform, in collaboration with AWS, provides organizations with a secure, responsible way to adopt and scale AI. 负责的AI平台将AI做法纳入工作流程,评估AI的准备状态,并对AWS工作量的资产提出统一的看法。 The Responsible AI Platform integrates AI practices into workflows, assesses AI readiness, and offers a unified view of assets for AWS workloads. 该平台将Acenture的最佳做法与AWS AI 服务和解决方案相结合,使各组织能够监测和确保其整个企业的合规性。 The platform combines Accenture's best practices with AWS AI services and solutions, enabling organizations to monitor and ensure compliance across their enterprise.