股东起诉ICON PLC, 罪名是证券欺诈、虚假声明和隐藏商业问题。 Shareholders sue ICON PLC for securities fraud, citing false statements and hidden business issues.
ICON PLC的股东提出集体诉讼,指控从2023年7月27日到2024年10月23日的证券欺诈,原因是虚假陈述和隐藏的问题,包括商业损失、服务不足和客户需求减少等。 Shareholders of ICON PLC have filed a class action lawsuit alleging securities fraud from July 27, 2023, to October 23, 2024, due to false statements and concealed issues including business losses, inadequate services, and decreased client demand. 多家律师事务所代表着受影响的投资者,敦促他们联系,争取可能的恢复。 Multiple law firms are representing affected investors, urging them to contact for potential recovery. 加入为主要原告的最后期限是2025年4月11日。 The deadline to join as a lead plaintiff is April 11, 2025.